Not getting any conversions


New member
Hey guys I’ve started a marketing firm for small business construction companies and I’m failing to get any leads. Im currently giving away my services for free to get good reviews and contacts and also to refine my offer. Currently I’m offering 5 free quote ready leads and I’ve narrowed my niche to the fencing industry, patio builders and roofers. I’ve tried both email cold calls and google ads to try and get my first few customers. I’ve gotten 30 clicks on my website and 15 email views is this enough to make a judgement call as to if I should change my strategy to get my first few customers? I’m also adding these bonuses because I want to create really really good value to my customers:
1. website improvement list and help implementing them
2. sales performance session
3. sales strategy planning session
4. guide on how to use facebook/google ads and how to manage them
5. seo optimization guide/session
6. free market research paper
7. A/B testing consultation
This is my site it’s pretty basic and maybe it’s also the name that’s throwing people off I was originally gonna focus on fences. Any feedback or criticisms about this would be greatly appreciated!
@ellwood420 So here’s your issue. Your customer isn’t sophisticated enough to reach you. And even if they were they don’t have $$$ to pay you with.

They may not even have a banking account.
@ellwood420 You are going to have to go after the top top dogs in each industry which will come with a lot of “no”. The smaller guys in this industry use their wives as their book keepers, their dog as their HR manager, and their cousin Eddy as head of operations. Most of them are shooting from the hip and run everything out of one bank account.
@someday99 Well I don’t see why the small guys wouldn’t be interested I get their more tech inept and not very professional but I don’t see why some of them might not want to expand or have the urge to although I’m getting the sense that maybe picking a better niche would be good
@ellwood420 I’m not saying that they won’t I just think that it’s going to be very hard to get one to be a consistent good client! They will get mad over the smallest things, cuss you out, fire you, then call and ask for you to come back. It’s just how most of them operate. You’ll land one large client and they will pay on time and ask how they can help you do a better job.

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