Not happy with Jobber. Beware


New member
My teenage son started a lawn care business. I suggested Jobber because it always gets highly spoken about on the podcast.

For various reasons my son just wasn’t happy with the app and want something different.

Two weeks before his annual subscription was due to renew, he tried to cancel.

His first email never got a reply so he sent another and Jobber’s reply to that email was that he needed to send them another email, confirming he’d like to cancel.

So then he sent them another email confirming he’d like to cancel.

Then they replied and said that he had to call up to confirm the cancellation.

We live in Australia, so when he tried to call he got the out of hours message that calls are only answered during business hours in the US. so he had to work out when to call them during US business hours and phone them up and cancel his subscription.

I am surprised and really disappointed at how difficult they make it for someone to cancel their subscription. That’s not a good sign of their business or culture and simply poor business practice these days to try and lock customers in and make it as inconvenient as possible to cancel a service.
@carlagrimes Just contact your bank and let them know that you tried to cancel the subscription but the company made it incredibly difficult to do so. They’ll figure it out for you and most likely you’ll get refunded. Or at least that’s how I handle these situations in America.
@carlagrimes If anyone is thinking of switching, check out Service M8. My plan is $1/month (promotion, it's like $5 regular) right now and has every feature jobber has and more.

Your membership changes as you scale your business. So you don't pay more than $30/month until you are doing over 100 jobs/projects per month. They've even got a free version, not a free trial. Which also offers all the same shit that jobber charges $300/month for.

Jobber just has great marketing
@tseleng He mainly wanted scheduling, never got it to work properly for our time zone and so didn’t use the app for the whole year. He tried to get a refund 1 week after paying for his annual subscription but they didn’t reply to those emails either.
@carlagrimes also have a landscaping business in the US but only used jobber as a free trial user. We found it overly complex to use. tbh, we used it mainly to learn what they do because we also have a version competing with them. On a side note, we're considering expanding to Australia. How common is people using landscaping companies to maintain their yards over there?