On-demand tutor for students


New member
I'm in the process of bringing an idea to life that aims to transform the way students receive academic support, and I'd love to get your insights, feedback, and any suggestions you might have.

The Concept: Imagine you're wrestling with a tough question on your assignment late at night, and there's no one to turn to. Traditional tutoring requires planning and isn't available on-demand when you really need that quick help to move forward. Here's where my app comes in – an on-demand tutoring app designed to connect students with qualified tutors in minutes, offering bite-sized, focused academic support exactly when and where it's needed.

How It Works:

- Instant Connection: Log in and browse through available tutors ready to help at that moment.

- Flexible Sessions: Engage in a 15-minute consultation for a fixed fee (e.g., $8), extendable as needed.

- Convenient Payments: Use a credit-based wallet system for smooth transactions, with incentives for wallet use, and a direct card payment option for ease.

- Immediate Feedback: Post-session, both tutors and students rate their experience and provide feedback.

- Fair Compensation: Tutors receive immediate payment post-session.

Would you use this service, either as a student in need of help or as a tutor looking to assist others?What features would you consider essential for such a platform? Any concerns or additional services you believe should be included to enhance the learning experience?

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