One proven growth hack you might like. Also, try it out!


New member
If you are a marketer, the primary goal is to draw your target market's attention towards you. How will you do it?

Most of the so-called experts and Gurus in the industry are going to tell you to write unique, fresh content that will add value to your target audience, do ads, promote well online, share on communities, etc, etc, etc. Am I right?

(No, I am not saying they are wrong)

I mean, see, everybody is doing it, how are you going to outrank them, your competitors?

Ha Ha, one simple ingredient to virality I have tested so far is going against the wind tactic - That is saying/writing exactly opposite to what majority of the folks in your industry believe.

I will give you a simple example, I wrote an article about the future of DevOps (don't bother what it is, it's a software development trend), the title is '8 DevOps Trends to Watch for in 2019' and in the article, I added some facts that can really trigger true software testers and some software folks. There is the trick I believe, people started sharing it, with mixed responses, some were happy, and some were angry, and it got me a hell lot of views, and even Hackernoon published the article, the same article is going on JAXenter too.

Funny but that is the truth.

BTW, My article already ranks on Google for the keyword 'DevOps Trends.'

You also need to know how to handle the angry comments too.

I am attaching one such Tweet screenshot that set this thing on fire.

I am talking about these Articles here, links are below,

And with all the engagement and virality, guess what? My article made it to the top stories on HackerNoon:)

Here is the list of top stories

What do you think of this idea?
@dvcochran This is an interesting approach. I remember many such articles going viral. Although I guess this technique should only be used by domain expert with good writing skills, otherwise it may backfire and actually hurt your credibility.

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