Open Lowcode - a rapid application development framework for enterprise software


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The product

Open Lowcode is a rapid application development framework (aka low-code) for enterprise software. It allows a developer to quickly develop 90% of an application using pre-built modules at a far greater speed than alternatives. You could have a working application after 2 afternoon interactive hackathon sessions.

Open Lowcode also provides full flexibility to implement the hard last 5% of user requirements that make most low-code approaches fail.

Open Lowcode is full open-source, and only uses stable and proven technology, minimizing the total cost of ownership over the full lifecycle.

The market

Open Lowcode could be applied succesfully to most of the use-cases I encountered in my 20+ years experience of enterprise software. Enterprise Software is in total a multi-trillion dollars market that is generally considered as ripe for disruption (high costs, disatisfied customers), so the playing field is almost infinite.

However, Open Lowcode, as a small structure, needs to grow progressively. So current focus is:
  • on applications that are too big for a spreadsheet but too small for a multi 100K€ classical IT project;
  • On legacy retirement projects where no package software is suitable, or where a reduction of costs is required
  • On areas in company where there is no obvious packaged solution to do the job. The first such area discovered in the last 2 years of doing pilots in my company is prospective budget planning (as opposed to budget execution which is well covered by an ERP).
There are many competitors in the low-code area. Open Lowcode plans to have a special approach as:
  • it is fully open-source, and allows both cloud and on-premise installations.
  • It is really geared towards developer needs and the crucial last 5%, while some fancier approaches typically hit a hard limit that do not allow to complete projects up to the end.
Being open-source, the strategy for monetization is key:
  • Open Lowcode plans to offer service (support, cloud hosting)
  • Open Lowcode also plans to offers companies using the product the possibility to accelerate development on features they need for a fee that will guarantee on-time / on quality delivery, with the features developed in that way joining the open-source product. This is actually a very good offer for companies, and better than alternatives.
Current stage

A beta version of the product is available, but mostly not published to open source (a small module already is) . 5 production pilots are running in my company for a total population of 300 users (first go-live june 2018).

No financing is required so far (company bootstrapped), however, I am actively looking for beta-testing cucstomerswilling to take the chance to develop one of their application with the framework.

Customer Conversion Strategy

In the short-term, I am actively promoting the product in the company I am still working in, and through my network. I expect to be able, at some point, to get users from the internet (SEO), as this is common for development tools. I expect also a lot of word of mouth, so priority now is to recruit advocates to the product, especially developers.

When the platform is used, I am expecting service requests to come quite naturally, asthere are very often special cases in enterprise software which require an extension to the framework used.

Why me

I have spent 20+ years in enterprise software, and I built exactly the tool I wanted to have from the start. I have managed to invest 1+ man.year in building the first version in parallel to a challenging job and very young children, which, I think, is a proof that I am passionate with the idea. I also have a very special profile, with experience in both working on development team / performance tuning on one side, and also having been involved in strategic C-level decisions.

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