OpenCart Advanced Dashboard tool to visualise store performance


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Better Insights module helps you make data-backed decisions to improve your e-commerce business.

The module provides the following insights based on the selected time frame:
  1. Most purchased product pairs.
  2. Most purchased products by sales.
  3. Most purchased products by volume(quantity).
  4. Total number of abandoned carts
  5. Abandoned carts value
  6. Most abandoned products
  7. Most abandoned product pairs.
  8. Top customers by sales.
  9. Top customers by volume(quantity purchased).
  10. Top wishlist products.
  11. Largest order by value.
  12. Smallest order by value.
  13. Number of customers who have made orders.
  14. Average Order value.
  15. Total value of products in customers wishlist.
  16. Total number of products sold.
  17. Number of new customers.
  18. Total number of orders.
  19. Total number of missing orders.
  20. Total value of missing orders.
  21. Total sales made!
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