Opinion on my YC W23 application


New member

Company name:​


Company url, if any:​


If you have a demo, what's the url? Demo can be anything that shows us how the product works. Usually that's a video or screen recording.​

Please provide a link to the product, if relevant.​

Followed by login credentials, if required.



Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.​

Automated Statistical analysis of data for Analyst

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.​

Our application is a No-code app for Statistical analysis of any data.Basically, we want our users to know the value that they will get from their data without analyzing and in a few metrics as below.

It has some added feature to help out the analysts as well:
  1. Generates Information index: It indicates how much of their data has some values
  2. Data Cleanliness score: It indicates how much of their data is clean as it is.
  3. Automatically cleans and also generates Python code for that.
  4. We analyze all possible combinations of column and show only what makes statistical sense. It is a computationally intensive process.

Where do you live now, and where would the company be based after YC?​

(List as City A, Country A / City B, Country B.)

Pune, India/ SF,USA

Please enter the url of a 1 minute unlisted (not private) YouTube video introducing the founder(s). This video is an important part of the application. (Follow the Video Guidelines.)​

How many founders are on the team?​

(Fill out this number of founder profiles)



How far along are you?​

We are releasing a Closed Beta in Septemeber-2022. Paid version planned for early next year

How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain.​

1.5 years, I have been working on this. 1+ year I have been full-time on this.Recently, I had to join a job due to a financial crisis, but I can get back full-time if funded

Are people using your product?​


When will you have a version people can use?​

September 2022

Do you have revenue?​


If you are applying with the same idea as a previous batch, did anything change? If you applied with a different idea, why did you pivot and what did you learn from the last idea?​

I have a more refined version of my last application. Reduced the work/scope for MVP or beta

If you have already participated or committed to participate in an incubator, "accelerator" or "pre-accelerator" program, please tell us about it.​



Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you're making?​

Being a data analyst, me and my colleagues face this issue for every analytics project. This SAAS will solve 3/4 major issues:
  1. Time lost in repeated & lengthy activities. 200+ People on reddit have voted they spend >30% of total project time in the preliminary analysis & data cleaning.
  2. Overcoming human limitations & bias.
  3. Most tools for statistical analysis like SAS/Python need programming knowledge and can change from company to company.
  4. Most Important: Organizations have a lot of data just lying around, rather than having a team go through all, we have created this product which will function like a google crawler & give out metrics for users to prioritize.
We got almost 20+ signups in a matter of 1-2 weeks. Although, they were in network people, I am trying to get a few random people from Reddit/LinkedIn as well.

How do or will you make money? How much could you make?​

(We realize you can't know precisely, but give your best estimate.)

This will be a subscription based business. We will have enterprise solutions soon as well. We will charge ~100$/user/month for limited runtime of analysis.Enterprise solutions will go ad-hoc.

Which category best applies to your company?​

@highlyfavored85 Hi Amol,

Well done for applying, and it's nice to read you have persistence. My first question would be, what was your feedback from last time?

Here are a few pointers from my perspective with only the information at hand - so forgive me if some of it seems a little left field.
  1. Look through the YC companies list for companies in your industry to see how they describe their idea as briefly as possible. Your messaging on No-code/Automated is inconsistent.
  2. You are moving slow. But you applied before and still don't have an MVP this time. I heard MS say an MVP should take about 100 hours. I get it, but you are a one-man band, so see if you can reduce the MVP further or get another co-founder.
  3. What are the one data set and one insight people must have? For example, as a marketer, it may be something regarding CTR or CLV based on sources. This is about segmenting your audience. Where is the low-hanging fruit?
  4. Widen your horizon. Perhaps expand your audience further. Who wants to analyse data but doesn't know where to start? What are the data analysts watering holes? What existing tools do they use that people complain about? Can you position yourself in those gaps?
  5. Don't believe people until they pay. It is easy to take feedback and run with it until they pay you; it is potentially a non-customer giving you irrelevant input on both the positive and negative sides.
  6. Regarding your landing page, it seems half finished. The responsive show two menus.
  7. An extension of point 3, can you offer a CSV upload or similar on your website, a landing page where users can send you info, and they get a limited insight? It would be good for both user understanding and lead generation.
@highlyfavored85 I think the application is clear and concise and the idea has a big potential however I don't think you really need an intro for your video application and If yoh can get a co-founder that would be a plus
@ricksterrick Thanks for the feedback.

The issue with finding a co-founder is that you dont get a good one especially in India. And i am a guy who doesn't like to wait for others. So, I just went ahead and did what I can myself, other stuff via freelancers or 3rd parties.
ghlight that it’s live and people are usi

Actually, we are yet to go live and seeing the events as they are, it might go into october as well :D

But thanks for your feedback. If you are interested in trying out the product yourself, do sign up on the link.

@highlyfavored85 It’s not a product for me, but it is for others. Lead with that. VC types are conditioned to screen out vaporware. I can tell you have something, but VC can’t. Try explaining it to a toddler. That’s who we are pitching to.

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