Opinions on these scenarios


New member
For this just assume money, hiring, and labor are not apart of this decision yet.

Ok because this is between Family/((personal and business so I'll specify with (B/F). Also more like a story bc it basically snowballed 😅

Scenario one or Beginning - We (F) are looking at a property we love, our thoughts were to build 2 small airbnb type cabins (there's a perfect spot on the property) to generate income and work on building our house for our family.

So TL my sister is buying a camper and moving onto our current property (this is good and yes everyone is on board). We agreed the land was plenty big enough that her & her best friend can build small houses and each have their own plot of land they really don't give a shit about ownweship they would prefer to stay "renters" lol

So we've been discussing and brainstorming. This is where we get to the ENTREPRENEURIAL part 😆... so everyone involved knows how I am when it comes to this lol

Than we added a few more "family" members 😅 so now I'm starting blend (F)(B) and I'm not sure thats good. However just basics - 60 acres, 5 single family homes spread throughout- I start thinking multi-family loan? Would that be smart? Economical?


This part is (B). There is a good piece of land that my husbands old co worker owns and lets us hunt on, it has a tiny house fenced garden area, and dog houses. Now owner won't sell (bitter divorce/breakup I think), BUT I believe he would "Lease" it to us for a certain amount, he moved like 6 states away. Also it's only 15 minutes from where we live. To me this sounds like a dream.

Now I don't know if I should pursue both, one, none, or combo. I don't have anyone else to really brainstorm this type of stuff so I'm hoping y'all can help.

I really hope someone can make sense of my jumbled brainstorming 😂
@genryu1989 It's a lot jumbled but I get you're considering 3 properties?
  • Property 1: not yet purchased; build 2 airbnb cabins
  • Property 2: current property; will have 5 single family homes
  • Property 3: potential lease
What's the plan if you were to lease property 3 - build airbnb cabins instead of buying property 1? What do you mean multi-family loan on property 2?

Also, you may already have this covered, but it's always a good idea to have a legal document drafted and signed (even if you're leasing for a nominal fee), as these arrangements can go south pretty quickly.