Options to find first leads when you are validating an idea..


New member
Hi! I want to test if there is a market for my new project (micro saas), so I was thinking some options to validate my idea before to launch in Product Hunt , even built it. Another important point is that I'm not from USA but I want to reach USA clients.

Where my lead arrive:
  1. Build a landing
  2. Connect this landing with a payment link with an offer for 1 year access to my saas
Here some idea to get leads:
  1. Cold outreach in Linkedin
  2. Google Adsense o Instagram ads (my budget is maybe $100 usd)
  3. Reddit (but I dont have a lot of karma :c )
I'd like to ask for suggetions for my validation plan, thanks in advanced!
@sam96 I built a checklist to help founders launch profitable products.

This v0.8. I am still updating it before releasing it as a lead magnet. Let me know if you have questions or comments.

Stage 1: Find A Great Idea​

  1. Get an idea.
  2. Define your customer & the painful problem you are solving for them.
  3. Study your competition.
  4. Find the gap.
By the end of this stage, you would have found an idea that looks promising.

Stage 2: Design A Profitable Solution​

  1. Plan out multiple solutions.
  2. Define your monetization strategy for each.
  3. Fill out The Game Plan for each solution.
  4. Craft your USP - what makes you different from your competition. What is your "Only Factor"?
  5. Craft your UVP - why should your customers care about your USP. Get it by answering "so what" to the USP.
  6. Plot out your customer's journey to get to your product.
  7. Design your offer/feature set.
  8. Design your business model.
  9. Make a list of all the assumptions you made.
  10. Validate your assumptions by speaking to potential customers.
  11. Tweak The Game Plan with each customer validation conversation till you get your assumptions validated.
By the end of this stage, you would have validated your assumptions and have a painkiller product idea.

Stage 3: Get Ready To Build​

  1. Build up a product roadmap.
  2. Think of a name.
  3. Buy a domain & hosting.
  4. Craft your one sentence pitch.
  5. Craft your 5 sentence pitch.
  6. Build a landing page for a waitlist.
  7. Set up email marketing.
  8. Pick your distribution channels.
  9. Prepare your customer onboarding journey.
By the end of this stage, you would have the foundation you need to start building & marketing your product.

Stage 4: Build Your Product​

  1. Build your minimum viable product in public.
  2. Keep talking about your progress, the customer, their problem, and your solution - while you're building your product.
  3. Use your waitlist and marketing efforts to get potential customers to try the product at different milestones.
  4. Iterate your product based on the feedback you get.
  5. Add growth loops into your product.
  6. Collect feedback and testimonials from early users.
By the end of this stage, you would have an MVP of your idea and a small audience of potential customers.

Stage 5: Launch​

  1. Build out your sales funnel.
  2. Create a few pieces of epic-tier content.
  3. Build out your launch plan.
  4. Launch your MVP.
  5. Start sending traffic to your landing page.
  6. Collect user feedback & testimonials from paying customers.
By the end of this stage, you would have launched your product.

Stage 6: Growth & Execution​

  1. Create a content marketing plan.
  2. Create a product marketing plan.
  3. Execute in sprints.
By the end of this stage, you realize that it's a whole new game.
@aliannghia I think there is some important part that is missing, I’d add: talk with your future costumers , maybe It could be after the waitlist
@sam96 The formatting killed it, but that's exactly what is there in step 14.

The Game Plan is a framework I created to help founders get clarity about their businesses - by reframing it as a videogame.

If you're interested, I can send you additional links to help you explore the game plan