Organizedly -


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The product is a productivity platform that combines smart note-taking with getting things done. Type content with low-friction and find it easily. In Organizedly, your notes, tasks, and calendars work seamlessly together.

The product is different from other note-taking apps with the following features:
  • Block-based notes - effortless organizing of notes
  • Type tasks wherever - inside a note or using quick add tools
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Saved searches (e.g. searches that include/exclude multiple tags)
  • Intuitive tagging - tags can be written anywhere inside a note
The market

The note-taking and task management markets are extremely crowded but a small piece of the pie is enough to build a large business. We are targeting people who use several applications (e.g. Evernote + Todoist). Following a privacy mega-trend we see a need for privacy focused productivity tools, although many other privacy-first applications are emerging.


We have recently launched our paid plan and have our first paying customers. We have developed two years on the product and had 2000 users during our MVP phase. We talked to more than 200 customers for feedback.

Why Organizedly?

We have created a unique product that competes with many big companies. We have never been part of anything as exciting as building Organizedly. We improve it constantly and are sure it will be the best thing that has happened in the field of productivity in a long time.