Our $0 SaaS makes $0 per month


New member
So we’ve launched a SaaS after being bugged for e-commerce stores and recommending shopify was no longer an option due to its complexity.

These users were instagram users so they needed to not need a manual or hire anyone, it needed to be as easy as Instagram.

Here it is it, launched on Dec 1st 2023, still in beta, 293 signups so far for new stores.

FastShop.ai - e-commerce store in 6 seconds

We’re expecting to make $0 in revenues for the next 12 months. That’s the SaaS life!
@wanweier2011 Let's be honest. You're not sharing what you've built, you're linkbuilding and hoping to get some more signups.

Not much to share with no revenue at all. If you wanted to share, you could have shared some more details about the idea, the process you had taken so far, what you're planning on doing moving forward etc. You put in the absolute minimum effort to try to get your product noticed. Which is just about every other post in /r/saas lately, which completely destroys the value of this sub.

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