Our Text-to-Speech test build is about to drop in 3 days. Who wants to beat it up and tell us how to make it better?


New member
My team has built a test product for our text-to-speech product that will read articles / magazines to you. The build is on track to be delivered in 2 days, and I would to love to get some unbiased, biting analysis of what we did right, and but more importantly what we are doing wrong. Tear that shit up and help us grow! (for those of you who want me to conform to the format, my standard format stuff is below)

If you're interested, PM me your info. the reason why is because both Google Playstore Beta and Apple Test Flight are not open to public and require an invite to download the APKs. I will put the links up later to prove that I'm not trying to just scam email addresses.

For Android users - we will need your Gmail account to send you the GooglePlay Beta link to download the test build.

For iOS users - we will need you appleID email to give you the TestFlight link to download the test build.

I will also put up a link later for the feedback form to make gathering the roast (aka best feedback) easier.

Roast away!

edit: feedback link is here for those of you decided to participate. Please use the email you gave me in the "your email" field so I can give proper credit where it's due.

standard pitch info

The product

the product is an article reader that will take articles from selected news sources (we're still working on increasing our content base) to you. The idea is to basically turn the readable content into something you can listen to on the go.

The market

text to speech is not a new technology, but the applications of such has been limited. Most of the usage has been limited to helping those with visual challenges use technology. What we're doing is merely taking the technology and applying to a new use case.

As such, the best way to gauge the market potential is to consider us a value add to the current 16 billion digital publishing market space.

This bears out in that most players in our space are content creators themselves, who have built in-house solutions for this use case. (more on this later)

Product analysis / comparison against competition

To our knowledge, most of our competitions will come from the content's themselves, as many of the content distributors have their own app to handle the specific use case we described.

However, by virtue of being a proprietary app, the content that it supports tend to be focused on just what they own. Our platform is focused on growing content across the board, and are not limited to just one publisher. The key growth indicator for us, if you're following is going to be our ability to secure those partners. (in this way, the technology itself is not the end all, be all success indicator)

What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?

Super super early. I would consider us seed stage at the moment. We're releasing the prototype right now. In terms of funding, we have funding right now, and we do have contact with investors already. The issue right now is not the access to funds, but rather to focusing on building a first test product and hopefully demonstrating our value.

Customer conversion strategy

Online content / media growth is ALWAYS a tricky endeavor. So I just want to preface that I am no expert in this regard.

However, what I do believe in strongly is growth through iterative feedback. Creating the virtuous iteration loop with our users will be how we create advocates for our product.

But that only handles the advocacy portion. The most important customer growth strategy will be through the content providers themselves. The intention is to focus on content providers with weak or no text-to-speech solutions, and become their go to solution. This will either be a rev-share agreement or some variant that allows us to scale our income with actual usage.

Why you? Why are YOU the best person for this job?
  • my team is built out of some the best people in voice technology world and we are active participants in text-to-speech tech events.
  • our investment partners are all players in the voice space, giving us a lot of contacts, knowledge, and money to leverage on.
  • our founders have already exited out of 5 different companies, each one being highly lucrative. Of course, for each of the companies they sold, they have burned through probably 100 ideas, tested 20 of them in prototype, turn 10 into companies, and had 9 of those fail. What I'm saying is, we're not a group that is afraid to fail, over and over and over again. What we got really good at doing is failing really fast. This is why I want your feedback from you guys right now. I don't want to waste time building a huge thing just to get it wrong. Give us a (good) reason to quit.

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