paid a 1000$ for this design - roast our landing page


New member
hey folks

so my team and i are working on a self-serve product for development teams at startups.

we had an older one that our in house designer worked on but since it was too enterprise-y we decided to switch things up a little bit, hence we hired a freelancer to work on this(not entirely sure if it was a good idea)

this is the new landing page - , please roast it and let me know what you guys think!

p.s. how much do y'all think this is worth?
@theriz Scrolling is so jittery. Try to go with more smooth scrolling. Animations are so fast.

Overall design doesn't look techy at all in my opinion. I prefer more modern style and colors for tech related sites.

Consistency is important for both a website and all across web. It helps when tech related websites have similar designs so I can understand what they are related.
@theriz (Senior designer for 9 years here 👋)

The design fundamentals here are okay but it does feel a bit ‘hit or miss’ in certain areas.

For example, the footer area with the clouds is very ‘complete’, but I don’t see that return consistently in other places.

There’s more, but that’s the general feeling. It isn’t complete yet.

By the way, you asking us this question makes me wonder if you have a subconsious feeling that this isn’t right. What do you think?
@todosan I’m actually writing an article about it at the moment… design must-haves and UX fundamentals for SaaS founders.

If you can wait a few days, I can send you a first version to read :)