Paid Ads or UGC/Influencer marketing?


New member
I am the CMO at a startup that is dropping a social networking app. We had a lot of success growing a community through paid social ads/organic social media content. However, I recently started interning at another startup that is also community based, but is focused on meeting new friends anonymously.

My thought process is that UGC and influencer marketing would make more sense than paid ads because right now our social media content is more centered around gaining followers and engagement than pushing the actual app.

Does anyone have experience with UGC and influencer marketing? Personally I think it’d be more cost effective for us, but I don’t have extensive knowledge on it.
@celtics I don't have insight on UGC/influencer marketing...but I have recently found a software tool that automates all the messaging, etc. required for organic FB marketing. I am a one-man-band so, I really need something like this to help me scale lead generation.

So far it is working well for me to get engaged directly with a lot of potential leads.

Let me know if you're interested in learning more.
