Painting Business


New member
So to start this off I’d like to say that I have an “unofficial partnership” with my mentor. We both own our own companies but (we will call him J) doesn’t always see eye to eye. J owns and operates a painting and renovations company and I own a painting company. We both paint buildings. I’ve moved fully into commercial and J has always had steady income from residential. There are a few weeks or a month or two where J needs work and I’ve been able to help out with that. We both work at the same pay rate and sometimes we even don’t pay each other for smaller items. These items would be more petty than anything better just left the way it is. The most concerning part about this is J is 26M and I am 22M and it seems like J just doesn’t want anything to do with my business ideas. I feel as if J doesn’t respect some of the ideas I have in mind. Lately it’s been hard to find good honest help and I brought up that we may just have the bite the bullet and team up with some good honest subcontractors and rebrand as a GC. We have the connections to do so or could at least build those connections if needed. I get a very vague response followed by no follow up or questions. Seems like J didn’t even listen to what I had to say. It’s like J would rather stress himself out about getting help and just complain about it rather than change it. I also brought up to J that maybe he should consider subbing out all residential jobs and move forward into commercial jobs and focus more on the things that yield a better profit margin. 6 weeks and counting waiting on a true decision as to what he wants to do. I even went through and offered to set him up with the free program that I use to find bigger commercial jobs and it’s like he won’t make the time to do this. For reference this would take a maximum of 4 hours start to finish. This is including services that he would otherwise have to pay for if J and I weren’t so close. For example you can punch in information about your company, services offered, logo, company bio, etc. not that he’s refused to do this but he has put it off and even through my strongest efforts to get the conversion started it seems to be pretty far out still. I just don’t know what to do anymore because it seems that even the job market seems to be pretty much crap as well. I’ve looked at the pay just to be a worker for a company doing the same things and averaged around 20$ per hour. Sounds great until you realize that it’s not 2010 anymore. Things are so expensive now that I feel like even if I gave this up I would be doing much worse with a regular job. I’m trying and I’m sure many people are just like I am but I’m tired of just barely getting by. Something has to change!
The thing is I get soooo much else from the relationship that I otherwise would need someone for. I haven’t found another person locally that will have my ass in times of need. It’s a sad thing because I wouldn’t want to do him dirty but J really needs to step his game up!! He talks about ambition and hustle and consistency but in this aspect he’s lacking and doesn’t see it. He just officially started his business about 2 months after mine but he’s been in the game for a hell of a lot longer than me.
@dlarge Listen putting off is a form of resistance, don't be naive towards someone's actions and understand some people won't be as ambitious or logical as you.

The best thing to do is move forward on your own behalf but don't Stunt your growth for another. It's never anything personal it's just business and some people will make themselves Lilly pads to get you to the next chapter.

As you build others will come it's inevitable but J like many might be afraid of success. Or be on a ego trip hence why he waves off your ideas. Simply because he didn't come up with them. 6 weeks is enough time waiting for someone to move and actually for me 6 weeks is 2 long you get 5 days to make a move

It's business we gotta go go go

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