Part 2 - Business Website Foundations - 9 Things After Installing Wordpress, Astra & Elementor


New member
Hi everyone,

Following directly after my previous tutorial where I showed you how to set up a professional website using Astra Starter themes, this video aims to help you get familiar with the moving parts of Wordpress, Astra and Elementor by setting up some foundational elements.

Part 1 - Setting up a beautiful and professional business website using Astra Start Sites. This tutorial uses Cleaning Companies as an example but applies to most local businesses.

Part 1 - Blog post

Part 1 - Video

Part 2 - 9 Things To Do After Installing Wordpress, Astra and Elementor

Part 2 - Blog post

Part 2 - Video

Over the tutorial I go through steps like:
  • What Wordpress settings you may need to change
  • Activating All Astra Pro Modules & Where they live
  • Setting up custom fonts and typography in Elementor using
  • Setting up your brand colors in Elementor using
  • How to install SSL for Wordpress using Bluehost or Really Simple SSL Plugin
  • Installing SEOPress and going through the setup wizard
  • Creating a Google Analytics account and hooking it up to Wordpress
It's a fairly mundane tutorial and certainly doesn't cover too many topics that get me excited, but I think it is necessary for those just starting out and unfamiliar with the whole website side of things for their operation.

There's a video for each in the links above if you prefer to learn that way.

Hopefully in the upcomming videos I can talk about the more exciting aspects like capturing leads, email marketing, conversion optimization and how to track it, CRM and automation.

If you have any questions feel free to reply here but I'll be most active on my Facebook group.
@jakbo3333 Hi there. I love your walkthroughs and they have been super helpful. I have made my cleaning companies webiste off of your walkthrough with elementor and astra. I am having issues with the contact form working properly. Any ideas?

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