Passbox - get your data to your loved ones if you're unreachable


New member
Startup: Passbox
  • Passbox lets you curate data that you would like the persons you care about to be able to access in the event you're unreachable/incapacitated. The idea is to use it for any data that you don't actively share with them today but would like shared if you're not around. For example: if you're a single individual and something happens to you, Passbox can allow your parents to know how to access your computer, cellphone, Twitter account, etc.
  • Total Addressable Market (in the US) may be around 139M and encompasses anyone who uses online accounts or secured personal devices. This market is related to that of password managers as well since there is shared functionality between them and Passbox with different uses.
  • There is no general household name that competes with Passbox on functionality and that's what I'm aiming for it to become. You have password managers that more tech-inclined folks are aware of and maybe if someone does some research will come across Everplans or Legacy Shield.
  • Passbox is live and accepting users/customers with a new feature under development. I've bootstrapped it and got a grant from Y Combinator.
  • Currently exploring marketing opportunities to increase conversions - no solid formula just yet
  • I've got a software development background and came up with the idea after buying my motorcycle and thinking of a hypothetical crash situation. Saved money on development since I can build it myself. Now looking to actively market and iterate on it from feedback!
Have fun! 🔥💥
@queenenny Hi,
Upon what event will the passbox open? Should the person send to passbox a certificate stating that the box owner died or is in a coma, or a police report stating that the person was abducted?
@anything1234 Thanks for asking!

In this iteration people you've added to your account would login to their account and request access to your Passbox. Both you and the person requesting access will be notified via email. If you do not reject the request within the time you've set for your account then they'll get access. They will also need to provide a key that you would've given them when adding them to your account.
@queenenny Would you actually be able to store keepsake files like photos, music and videos? Or is it just meant for passwords to your other accounts?
@ke1220 In the spirit of starting minimally it’s intended for text at the moment which could mean account passwords or notes/facts. With enough validation and growth it makes awesome sense to store files too!

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