PentaPrompt - a platform for generative AI


Any and all feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks! :)

The product​

PentaPrompt is an alternative to a ChatGPT Plus subscription for people looking for:
- a more open platform with access to other models like Claude and Llama
- more flexibility around using those models which is only possible through the API
- lower entry fees

Key features:
- Access to ChatGPT 3.5 & 4 as well as Claude 1 & 2, Meta's Llama and Google PaLM
- Personas: Think 'GPTs but for all models'
- Contexts: Similar to personas, you can add text, pdfs or websites as background information and reuse this information across your conversations. You can freely combine personas and contexts which allows more focused personas and more flexibility around using them
- If you send a URL in a message, PentaPrompt will know the content of the site and add it to the message. (Youtube transcripts from Youtube URLs & Notion Docs from Notion URLs coming soon)

With these features you can do things like:
- "Create a LinkedIn post from this blog post {{url of post}}" (with LinkedIn copywriter persona)
- "Write a cold outreact email for my product to this company {{url to company website}}" (with E-Mail copywriter as persona and product description as pdf)
- ...

Going forward, I want to add functionality around automation and efficiency such as:
- Trigger conversations with specific personas and contexts from the outside via Zapier integration and API access to PentaPrompt
- Make specific personas & contexts accessible to the outside via public chat interfaces which users can control and potentially whitelabel
- Export conversations to other tools via Zapier or direct integration

Plus I want to include vision and image models so you really only need one account for all your work with generative AI. In the end, PentaPrompt should be your one stop shop for generative AI.

Market & competition​

I assume that in the near/mid-term future, we will see a lot more specialized models for specific purposes that will outperform more general models on specific tasks.

While OpenAI obviously offers most of PentaPrompt's features & focuses on pulling users onto their platform, I think there is lots of space in the market for independent platforms that are not tied to a specific model provider.

With the latest issues around ChatGPT 4 being slow / has degraded, etc, and on the other side models like Claude 2 catching up to GPT4, it might even be the case that other models will provide a better overall UX than GPT 4 soon.

There is competition from other smaller platforms or products currently evolving, but because the market is so huge, I think that there's enough room for multiple established platforms in that area.

What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?​

I am at a super early stage, focusing on getting feedback from real users and validating / sharpening my product strategy.

Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy shit from you)​

My current idea is to focus on content marketing on LinkedIn, Twitter & Reddit, primarliy showcasing innovative use cases which are possible with PentaPrompt.

Why you?​

I have 8 years of experience in Product Management and 3 years of experience in Web Development.

I'm grateful for any feedback. In particular, I am currently wondering what the best way to market this product is and if the product strategy around automation and import / export functionalty is on point.

Thanks for reading until the end!

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