Please stop being a captain cheapo


New member
The goal of the Entrepreneur should be to make so much GOTDANG MUNNIES, that the abundance overflows to the people around you. The ones working for you. And even your own customers. I'm not talking about some Robinhood socialism type shiz where money is taken from the rich and given to the poor. I'm talking about real wealth. The kind where you aren't constantly penny pinching, trying to save a dime or two because "i HeArD sOmEoNe OvEr On FiVeRr Or ChInA cAn Do It ChEaPeR". You should actually want to pay top dollar. Get the best quality and see the people you pay living and feeling their best. That actually makes them more productive. It gets them to stop feeling hate for "the Man". Which then makes the quality of their work 10X better. It's common sense that stressed-out, underpaid people don't perform well. I just don't understand when Entrepreneurs claim to "mAdE $100K iN lEsS tHaN 30 dAyS" then dissapear after you send an invoice. Real wealth people. Create real wealth. I want to see you all doing your best. Even the people you choose to hire.

"Inspired by some rando in a FB group." Thanks hummie
@brebre148 Well, most people who claim to be entrepreneurs are actually just low level contract workers who are self employed. The only people making money on things like Fiverr are the people who started the site.

Definitely agree with you though, true wealth should be the goal of a true entrepreneur - not a quick buck.
@danielh65 Fiverr is great for tripwire sales. I sell 2 page marketing audits there, the type I offer for free in my cold email outreach. Tell people a bunch of stuff wrong with their marketing, with the option of a free 'consultation' call.

I know people making very good money from that site. But yes, not through direct sales on the platform.
@mackjackson I shitpost heavily on Reddit, and would rather not link my profile directly with my business. I like to pretend I'm professional when I'm on the clock :).

If you PM me your site I can let you know what I think/give you some advice on where to go with it though.
@kitty88 I laughed at this, I feel the same. I would never ever link my real startup to my reddit account, even if most of my posts are just random flightsim videos. I feel like if its connected to my real identity i cant say whatever I want.
@kitty88 I too shitpost and have an ulterior professional persona. I'm going to message you and link you with one of my companies that needs a little help in gaining market awareness on a few products.
@kitty88 I use fiverr to sell my SaaS product.

Gig title: “I will do [my products value prop].”

Description: “I’ll set up your [my product] account so that you get [its value prop].”

Gets inbounds.
@613jono Yeah, I have a nephew in the Philippines who makes about $40 USD a day for Wordpress work. That's about 4 times the average there. He's actually considered "middle class" where he lives. P60,000 a month is a lot when most people make P15,000 a month. I guess it's all relative.
@thunderbolt1990 Yes. I'm from Argentina and here is a lot, too! Almost the double of my 9-5 job.

Wealth is relative to the place where you live. Because od that a freelancer in thailand live a better life that someone with the same amount (or the triple) in the us
@613jono honestly when I went to Thailand I was like wow I should just move everything here. Where I live in the US $100,000 gets you a parking space but in Thailand you can buy a bed and breakfast, with a restaurant + bar and acres of land for that much lol. Its crazy! The internet speed is the only thing I didn't like.
@indianhippygirl Yeah, similar to the Philippines. My wife is an american who was born in the Philippines. She got a quarter acre rural lot inherited to her.
We built a house on it. Large rooms, high ceilings. 5000sq ft, all steel reinforced concrete construction. Including my 1000sq ft work shop and 2nd floor man cave, we spent 8 million peso, which is about $160K in the US. If this house was in seattle, vegas or LA, it would be well over $1 million.
We plan on retirement there, because it's so cheap to live.
@indianhippygirl We're just south of Angeles City, which has a lot of first world amenities, it's only a couple hours from the beach and it's cheap to build. Other good places for ex-pats is Cebu and Subic Bay. We also have a large rice farm just north of Subic in Zambales.

I moved there for a year in 2014 just to see what it was like to live someplace other than Kansas. We should be done with all our construction, have our income channels set up and be ready to retire in 4 more years.

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