Please trash my startup: MightyForms


New member
Hey guys, and I am looking to get the most brutally honest feedback I can get. I am well aware of many 'indirect' problems my startup has but I am even more interested of objective feedback as being 'in it' as made me blind to some things.

So let's get going.
  • MightyForms is an Intake Design & Optimization Platform. You create a cloud form to share via email, social media, or embed into your site to collect data, payments, surveys, or to generate a PDF. We are targeting small business owners and web designers. Most of our clients embed forms into their website.
  • Market for a form builder is 75% of businesses out there, over 1B. We focus on the small biz especially for payment collection, ROI optimization, sales automation forms. I would say probably 100k businesses out there.
  • There is Jotform (jack of all trades) and Typeform (non-website friendly conversational forms) in the space, doing their own thing. Then there are bunch of smaller competitors with awful UI made by U.G.L.Y., 2000s looking like forms. Gravity forms are cool but are WP only and still lots of limitations. We focus on solving 2 things - form optimization and analytics (think smart forms! + abandoned form recovery) and form payments (think Stripe subscription forms).
  1. Form analytics - we have built strong form optimization AI that tells you who and when abandon your form, which question is the most problematic one, and what you can do about it.
  2. Form payments - we connect directly to Stripe and retrieve products and subscriptions from your account into MightyForms, allowing you to easily create a subscription or powerful payment form in just a few minutes.
  • We are still a relatively early stage startup. Our product is pretty solid from engineering perspective and we are ironing out bugs. We are struggling with finding a product fit, i.e. who exactly and how exactly to pitch this. We are OK with money with current size of the team but if to expand and do things quicker we would need to raise some cash.
  • Our main channels of customers are SEO and social ads. We feel that it's not enough and we need something radical.
  • We have a lot of experience as a dev team building super complex forms for life insurance and other service providers. It's incredible how much money is spent due to lack of good solutions out there. All existing solutions seem to be either ugly, old, or too narrow in use. Hopefully we can change that and make complex form creation a cool and easy process.
@v7egihir Looks pretty nice. I only looked on mobile. There are a few things which need to be tidied up.

Check out these screens on mobile. On one the scrollable view is only the lower 50% of the screen, this is bad UX. You also need to make better use of the space. I’m just being picky though, I really like the idea and you have done a great job so far.

@keoann Thanks, mobile version is meh right now, but yes we are optimizing it and in couple weeks will launch it. Maybe will get an app, too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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