Podcast feedback needed - topics you’d like to see covered and submitting questions


New member
What topics would you like for me to cover?

What format do you like best (eg quick and to the point on a single topic, interviews, mentoring sessions, motivation).

Please submit a question for the show by recording an audio clip and emailing it to me nick@sweatystartup.com. Sure fire way to get some feedback. Feel free to draft it and read it if that helps.

@mariusk do you do interviews on the podcast already, or is that something you're exploring? Legal is an area in which many entrepreneurs lack knowledge. it's not a sexy topic, but it's super important. I'm a solo attorney that works with early stage startups and entrepreneurs. I've been a guest on a few podcasts to talk intellectual property and corporate formation and gotten great feedback about the information I provided. If you start/are doing interviews, I'd certainly love to be a guest (I'm located in Atlanta, so it'd be easy to do in-person or virtually)
@glasses4478 Awesome input Matthew! I'd love to explore this.

Hiring and labor laws are really important for a lot of my following. Independent contractor vs employees as well as the steps to take to protect yourself and your early employees.

Do you have enough experience on that to provide some value to the following? Thanks again!
@mariusk Employment and labor law are not really my area of practice, but I could connect you with someone that practices it and can provide value! With respect to employees vs. independent contractors, I can provide value. The extent of that value depends on what the questions are, but I'd also be willing to do limited research if it's related closely enough to current knowledge. corporate formation (entity type and documents) and intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. limited with patents) are my area of expertise.

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