Pricing model for K-5 personalized learning | Any ideas?


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Hey everyone!

I've spent over a year developing a personalized learning platform for K-5 math. It's been a challenging journey, especially when it comes to deciding on the pricing model. Currently, I offer free child accounts that can link to a paid premium educator/parent account. Each premium account supports up to 30 child accounts.

I want to keep this resource as affordable as possible, but with recent AI integrations, balancing costs is becoming tricky.

I just introduced a feature where children can receive personalized tutoring from an AI assistant, using audio or text interactions. It’s a valuable addition, but it's not feasible to offer it for free. Originally, I planned to roll this feature into our premium accounts but worry it might push the price too high.

Now, I’m considering introducing a separate, paid "AI Enhanced Child Account" while keeping the basic child account free. I'm concerned this might complicate our pricing structure and confuse users. User experience has shown that a clear path to conversion is crucial. I don't want a user to jump into getting a paid premium parent account to then also realize they need an AI Enhanced Child Account.

I’d appreciate any feedback or suggestions on our pricing strategy. Also, feel free to check out the platform and its features—most can be accessed for free without logging in or creating an account:

Thanks for your input!