Product is ready, need feedback and advice on how to grow


New member
A few weeks ago, a friend and I launched a new service providing an expired article scraper and bulk content service to bloggers, affiliate marketers and small businesses.

My main promotion strategy so far, has been using a contact form auto submitter to send cold email to bloggers using the contact form on their websites, but we just had 2 sales in 3 weeks which is not enough to cover our costs, so we're still working at a loss. The thing is that our target market is too broad because literally everyone with a blog needs cheap articles, so I'm not sure what keywords to target on my auto contact form submitter. So far been trying some blogging related keywords I extracted from google keyword planner but it hasn't worked very well

I would love some feedback from fellow entrepreneurs about the 3 products we offer, which can be found here as well as the pricing, website design, marketing strategy and any other tips you may have.

Thanks! :)
@deeppeace None of those keywords in the list will work. You need to target keywords which have buying intent. I went through your website and here are some examples i can give you

Free article scrapping software

buy cheap articles

buy articles for blog

buy plagiarism free articles

download plagiarism free articles

how to find cheap articles

These are just example I haven't done any research on keyword volume. I just want to give an idea on how buying intent keywords look. You can also have blog around these keywords and try to rank on google.
@ladysparkle Thank you so much for taking the time to check my keywords. The keywords you mentioned would work if I were writing articles and trying to get traffic from Google, but I'm contacting websites using their contact forms, so those keywords would only give me a dozen results or so :)

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