Proving invoices were sent and getting timely payment?


New member
A lot of my customers pay late. I’ve setup automated reminders through my business software, and I get bounce notifications if emails bounce so I know they didn’t bounce. I also have a copy bcc’d to an address at my domain, so I know that my software is sending them and the mail server is processing them.

A lot of my customers use a dedicated email address to receive invoices like ap@customer it’s supposed to get ingested into their system so it gets processed in a timely manner but they don’t seem to work reliably sometimes third party services are involved.

Whenever I email them manually I usually get a quick followup and they issue a check in their next cycle so that means I get it in two weeks at that point though I’m usually at net 60 instead of 30. The typical excuses I get are “this invoice isn’t in our system”, “this is the first time we’ve received it”, “please send invoice to x address” where x is the address I’m already sending them to. Or something to that effect. Sometimes I get “checks in the mail” and usually I get it a couple days to a week later when that’s the response.

Maybe they are lying but I don’t think they are because it’s widespread enough across different customers, and I don’t really think the people handling these emails have that much motive to lie. I think they just have a broken process.

Is there something else I should be doing? Has anyone else found a way to deal with this? Like I just want confirmation the invoice was received somehow. My automated followups don’t seem to do anything, at least with the ones that pay late. Other customers that pay on time I do notice payments come in right after reminders are sent, these are of course the ones that don’t have special ap@ emails.

I already have late fees listed in my standard terms and conditions but I think I’d have a hard time actually successfully charging these customers late fees, and since they pay “quickly” after I contact them it doesn’t seem like trying to charge a few percent or threatening it doesn’t seem worthwhile.

Thanks in advance!

This is what I gleaned from the responses.
1. Make the reminder emails more aggressive and reference the potential for late fees.
2. Switch to 2/7 Net 30, and increase base prices accordingly to incentivize on time payment.
3. I think I'm also going to set my system to email invoices every week until payment.
@lekolonka I have a service company and my customers typically pay 30-45 days after getting an invoice!...uggg...(the invoice clearly says "due upon receipt or subject to service interruption"). People that are habitually late get their service cancelled (its amazing how fast they pay then!)...I also INCREASE invoice amounts for late pays then add "pay THIS amount now" (ie, they get the regular price if they pay ASAP).
@lekolonka yea, I was OK net 30 but some stretch out to net 60. By the time I get the money its already spent! (I offer 'cash' discounts too which tends to get payment to me much faster).
@lekolonka So I use QuickBooks online. And they get an email and the email contains a portal where they can go and click and view the invoice and logged.

I still get customers stating that they did not receive the invoice and that it didn't get posted despite QuickBooks showing that not only did the email go out but someone clicked on the link and viewed the invoice in the QuickBooks portal.

I don't know if it's that they're stupid or they're stalling but it keeps happening. I keep catching them but I don't call them out on it.

I'd suggest setting your automatic invoice reminders to being something more aggressive. If it's a big deal to you I would suggest that you manually follow up if they don't respond after the automatic reminder.

I have over 100k in a/r right now :(

I don't think late fees are much of an incentive as it encourages them to come back and then argue about the late fees which gives them more time to stall and if you're charging less interest than what their credit card or business line of credit cost they're going to use you as credit.
@smilingbluebug Yea my system tells me they've read it, but a lot of customers have an automated ingestion system, so i don't know that a human actually looks at it. All my emails include the PDF as well as a webportal link. I think sometimes the bot says "I dunno what this is -> trash."

Rewriting my reminders is probably a good idea, I send them weekly, the first one is super soft, sometimes checks come the day after it gets sent. The later ones get more aggressive, but maybe I need to increase the rate at which they ramp up.

I feel ya I have 150k in A/R right now.

Good point about the fees being a distraction. I feel like those are most useful for if I actually need to send something to a collections agency.

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