Q for SaaS founders: what portion of your app do you wish, in hindsight, that you (or your team) hadn’t built from scratch yourself?

@clmorgan Analytics. We spent the better part of a year working on a custom analytics solution that our competitor had out in less than a month using a third party service that did 90% of what it needed to do.

Learnings from that for me: if in the early stages you can integrate third party solutions to add complementary features to your primary ones, do so.
@clmorgan Sooo many things. In order of $ lost:
  • image/asset handling. Sizing, hosting, uploading, pre-generating images. Sooo much code. And now just uploadcare.com :)
  • email sending. Maintaining mail server, IP whitelisting, .... -> Sendgrid.com
  • subscription management. A lot of business logic (plans, pricing, discounts, ...) and now all on stripe.com
@mainechild Oh damn I'm a user of uploadcare as well :) Really great product

Stripe as well ofc. Any headaches/pains with Stripe's subscription management? Or is all nice and rosy there?
@clmorgan no its not. Thats what you'd expect (i mean its stripe). Problems with stripe:
  • no support for billing period above 12 months
  • multi currency support is rough (to switch customers you have to recreate)
  • invoices are limited (numbering, adding PO later,..)
But it's doable with some workarounds
@clmorgan One thought is to look for CMS systems that have content approval workflows and allow assigning editing rites on a per-article basis.

Then you'd invite your writers to log in, they'd only be able to see their articles, and you'd get notified when they submit for review.

A good one will probably allow you to give feedback and request changes.

I Google'd it and found this: https://www.contentful.com/blog/202...s-supercharge-your-content-approval-workflow/

I'm not affiliated with Contentful, but this looks really close (in fact I use DatoCms for static sites and that doesn't have approval workflows sadly).

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