Q: How to push Sellers to use my app


New member
I have the idea to create a mobile app where sellers can enter their deals/promotions and users can search for the nearest deals by categorie.
My question is how to encourage sellers to put their deals in my app before launching the app for public ? I can't publish it with an empty database
Any ideas plz ?
@anastasiabirago So whether you were facing this issue or not you should really try to build out a community of interested people before even building the project let alone launching. Create a landing page, get on Product Hunt, etc. get people excited about your project and awaiting its launch. Hopefully this will drag in some businesses too but if not you now have the upper hand to approach business and say “Hey want to add your deals to our app? We have 1,200 enthusiastic users waiting for us to launch so it would be good business for you to get in on the ground floor”. This will hopefully be enough to incentivize them to join and set up some deals as they will see potential value for themselves.

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