QuackPod.com - The Funny & Interesting News Only Website. ..ready to get roasted..

So QuackPod.com is a human curated site that brings funny and interesting news to a boring or work-filled day.

See, the opposite of "when the going gets tough, the tough get going", is your typical office day. Of course not for entrepreneurs!

So here's the solution, whenever you feel bored, head over to QuackPod.

Sleepy? Go to QuackPod.

Want to relax? Go to QuackPod.

Change of mind? QUACKPod.

What's special about QuackPod is that it's not going to alert you to new news. It's not going to email you. It's not going to let you subscribe. (That's how we want it to be at least for now.) Because when that happens, what essentially also happens is that you get side tracked off your important work when that alert quacked in.. And that's T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E.

You only visit QuackPod.com, IF you want to.

We're the internet's first news homepage, in the 21st century with the worst marketing plan. No user notifications, no emailing people, no alerting the world. Just publishing plenty of funny and interesting news.

What's QuackPod again? It's the fidget-spinner that needs an internet connection.

Why'd I build it? I liked the name, grabbed the domain, and realised the potential for a funny news industry. Imagine this:

[Duck wobbles into the BBC studio in the midst of a live telecast.]
@christy_aldridge What's the bounce rate on your site? It will tell you a lot about the potential of this project. I personally didn't smile once reading the headlines. Humor is subjective so it's tough to give advice but I am not sure where this fits in.
@christy_aldridge Might be worth pumping some traffic in and seeing how it changes things. Maybe a little paid advertising just for the sake of the data.

Bounce rate is high but it might be related to your webdesign (as its kind of like a single page site)
@christy_aldridge Not a bad idea overall, but the design needs work. If I'm going to a site like this, I expect it to be easy to skim - there was no emphasized or bold text in the actual stories, and it took too much effort (more than zero) to parse what each story was.

I think you also need some sort of organizational hook, which I'd categorize under design. What makes your presentation better than the million other link aggregators out there? What makes it fun to use? I think you need to find a clever niche and design around that before this will catch on.

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