Quantity vs Quality (daily content creation) Ivan on Tech talks about what worked for him to get 200k subscribers in two years


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He got to work making daily YouTube videos. His philosophy was simple. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a good video, bad video, I’m going to do it everyday,” he said. “So if it’s a bad video one day, tomorrow is a new day and quickly there will be a good video, a better one.”

He began making videos about general technology and coding. One day he made a video about Ethereum (blockchain platform), however. It performed better than the other videos. People needed crypto content, he saw, and since he loved crypto, it was a good fit.

His mindset of accumulating just a few thousand subscribers, not worrying about quality, and instead focusing on quantity, helped him to not get discouraged.

Through quantity comes quality. “And through quantity, I will also have more chances to get in front of people so people can see that I'm active. They’ll see me over and over again in their suggestions.”

source: forbes.com/sites/justinoconnell/2020/01/29/ivan-on-techs-journey-from-0-to-200000-subscribers-in-2-years/#51400f9870ae

What are your thoughts /GH?

The answer may be a little bit obvious in /GrowthHacking, but still, which one have you been putting more value on for your content marketing strategies? (Quantity or Quality)
@kuley1929 Watching video is effortless and people don’t care about the quality mostly. I think that won't work for blogs. Actually, It works for Twitter because of reading a tweet is effortless like video. If you give your time and attention on something, you expect it to be worth it. so quality is important kinda contents.

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