Question about raising money/investment


New member
Can only the ‘best’ I.e. highest potential companies raise the 9-figure (100MM+) amounts? Obviously this depends on stage but is being able to raise this amount in series C onwards a sign of confidence/potential. It almost feels like a ‘bragging right’ if that makes sense. What do you think?
@jope It’s extremely hard to raise 100M + and will take years and your soul. I have friend who has done it and I have seen his journey, he struggled every day for the last 6-7 years and he did not do it for bragging rights, he didn’t because it was a special, and he really wanted to bring a change.

So in short, I personally don’t care about bragging rights I care about passion, and really loving what you do!
@fanheld Fair answer! I used to work for a company that just raised 100M+ and it got me thinking ‘what on earth could they need this much money for’ hence the question.

Apologies if it was poorly thought out or worded!