[Question] Relational Contact Database. Azure or BigQuery?

I'm looking to move off of google sheets onto something a bit more robust for my business' contact database. I would really appreciate any guidance on what data service might be the best fit for my needs:
  • I've got about 12k rows currently, I don't anticipate going higher than 20k rows.
  • I'm looking to be able to sort by various tables: customer type, sales team, etc. (I think just a normal relational database)
I don't need to do anything too crazy data wise. Some basic insights would be nice, but the most important functions for me are:
  • easily/quickly adding more contacts to the database on a frequent basis
  • exporting .csv lists of certain cross-relations (i.e. sales team A x customer type B, and sales team B x customer type B, etc.)
  • cloud access
  • minimal coding skills required
Although I've tried to research on my own, I'm having trouble determining which service is best suited. Looking at the two big dogs: Azure and BigQuery, open to other suggestions too.

I don't know any coding languages. I guess I could learn the basics of SQL if necessary.

Thanks again very much for any advice!