Question: What is the absolute best use of a small marketing budget for my online kid's business?


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Hello fellow Reddit entrepreneurs! I am looking for feedback on my new business, Creator Kidz. We offer remote enrichment learning opportunities for kids in 2nd through 8th grade. One hour per class. Specifically, I need some advice on my low-budget marketing plan. Because my marketing budget is pretty bootstrap at the moment, I wanted some feedback on what would be the best use of it for a business like this?

Here is what I have done so far in marketing the business:

#1 - I have set up my website with an affiliate referral platform through LeadDyno and begun to reach out to relevant blogs in the homeschooling/parenting space via email. I am offering them 7% commission on the first registration of a new customer.

#2 - Designed and printed a flyer to post at local libraries in my area. On the flyer there is a coupon code for 20% OFF first registrations. I have posted this flyer on the community boards and where permitted in the children’s sections at two local libraries so far. I plan on printing more flyers and getting them posted at community centers, iced cream shops, and more libraries.


#3 - Set up a referral page on my website with buttons at the header and contact us sections, offering 35% OFF first registrations of new customers that are referred.

Here are some of my ideas for future marketing efforts. Please let me know which of these are most viable with a shoestring budget:

#1 - Pay $150 for 150 leads of influential blogs and social influencers in the homeschooling/parenting spaces: Then, reach out to this group with the offer of an affiliate partnership, offering them 7% commission on the first registration of a new customer. Try to get a mention on their social channels!

#2 - Reach out to influential Podcasts in the parenting/homeschooling space. Buy an Ad? Or try to be a guest on their show?

#3 - Print out more copies of my flyer and have them shipped to my friends from Colorado, California, Maryland, and Florida. Have them post my flyer at their local libraries, community centers, iced cream shops….

#4 - Reach out to the Association of Homeschools and other homeschooling institutions and look for an affiliate partnership and to be promoted on their blog or newsletter.

#5 - Reach out directly to libraries to see if they would be interested in an affiliate partnership in return for promoting our classes to their patrons?

#6 - Get listed on an online kids class marketplace like (I think they charge a hefty commission, however)

Again, the website is:

And here is the basic business plan:

Thank you!!!

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