Radionome - Free, healthcare storing and sharing platform


New member
Hi everyone,

We are the founders of Radionome. We are a healthcare start up completely self-funded and we are now officially live (

We are a free, healthcare storing and sharing platform. We allow patients and providers to seamlessly upload and share their radiology images and other medical data.

While there are other online storage platforms (dropbox, google drive, etc), these are not designed to upload and share your medical data. As a result, it can be confusing and complicated to upload, view, and share your healthcare information. Radionome allows you to share your data with your provider including Radiology images and other healthcare information forever, for free. We are currently working on a mobile app, second opinion service, and other services for patients.

We are completely self-funded and have a growing user base. We are looking for funding to help us scale and further market our product.

We would love your feedback on the product here or if you are able to spend a little more time, we are also looking for people to do a quick pilot and complete a survey for $5:

Thank you!
@lmf Sounds like a cool idea, being able to provide easy access to healthcare records have always been a big issue. I have heard a lot about APIs for this, have not seen a 'dropbox' approach to it yet.

I am looking at the website, all the links seem broken. I am using Brave as a web browser.

I am also curious, is there HIPPA and state regulations that permit how the data needs to be transferred and formatted?
@sonchoy Thanks for checking us out!

Hmm, I'm not sure why the links aren't working for you. I just re-tested using Brave (as well as Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and all the links appear to be working on my end. What happens when you click a link?

There are definitely HIPAA regulations which dictate the transfer of data on a platform. We are completely HIPAA compliant and meet all regulations.
@lmf Perfect, all set. I can see the pictures and videos now.

Wow, very impressed then. Are you going to start by pitching this to doctor offices and hospitals then and have the users come from referral? I would believe that would be an easier approach that pitching to individuals.
  • What is your biggest challenge moving forward/where are you in the startup process?
  • Any chance you could make the data anonymous so you could open source the data set for AI uses? I know some medical institutions would be ecstatic for data like this.
  • Any other competitors in this space? I have not heard of anything like this.
@sonchoy We plan on doing both but limited due to COVID at the moment so trying to get individuals get on for free. As you can imagine we are also struggling with how we will generate revenue.

- We self funded everything so we looking to raise money to scale and add more features. Also we are looking to do pilots at hospitals and doctors offices but COVID has really slowed this down

- Yes we are planning on doing this.

- yes there are other companies such as life image and ambra that do this on the hospital side but do not have portals for patients like us, and are not built on serverless technology.
@lmf Unfortunately, it is a tough time right now, but might be great for you as reopening continues and all eyes are on the healthcare system.

Some unsolicited ideas would be an SEO campaign to generate interest, going to doctors offices and asking for 5 minutes (could be a great value proposition for the doctors that use this and start a bottom up approach), or reach out to blog posters (such as techcrunch) promoting this new idea.
That’s some great advice.. will def look into it.

Agree that the Covid situation has complicated things. Definitely hope we are in the right position as things open up.

Thanks for checking us out!

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