Random Roasts: 5 Tests For SellerTerminal to Reach More Amazon FBA Sellers


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Back with my AARRR Audits! If you don’t already know, AARRR, which stands for acquisition, activation, retention, revenue and referral, is a growth framework popularised by Dave McClure. It is especially popular among big tech companies.

This week, we take a look at SellerTerminal.com, a service that helps Amazon sellers get reimbursements they are owed by Amazon.

What does Seller Terminal do

On average Amazon owes its FBA sellers 1%-3% of their annual revenue. If you’re making $1 million a year, that’s up to $30,000! Considering that most Amazon FBA sellers make less than 25% profit margins, sellers can’t afford to be leaving that kind of money on the table.This is where services like SellerTerminal come in. Without further ado, let’s look into how we can further grow this business

Experiment 1: Acquisitions - Answer questions on Reddit & Quora​

A lot of people are asking about how to get product reimbursements on Quora & Reddit. Even old posts on Quora still show up on Google Search so worth commenting on these even today.

On Reddit, you could do this as well for old posts but be warned Redditors will probably hate you for it.

A quick search shows there are roughly 22 questions on Quora related to this service and even Getida only shows up 4 times. Definitely something SellerTerminal should get into.

Experiment 2: Activation - Reimbursement calculators​

I actually like their Get a free audit CTA button on their home page but what’s disappointing though is it directs you to a generic sign up page after a promise of a "free audit".

How I would improve this is by including a calculator in the home page that lets visitors calculate how much they could be owed.

Given that on average Amazon owes up to 3%, you could just ask for annual revenue and then return 3% of that. See mockup here

In the mockup, I also start asking for their emails ASAP so I would be able to send retargeting emails who dropped off at any point in the funnel.

Experiment 3: Activation - Address objections in hero copy​

Knowing your prospects’ potential objections & addressing them is key to improving activations.

To get an idea about what these possible objections are, a good resource would be Reddit.

If you check threads on the topic of Amazon reimbursements, there’s some sentiment that third party services like SellerTerminal don’t really add value and is no different than what you can do yourself on Amazon.

Getida has done a good job of addressing this in their hero copy pointing out that working with them means you have a team who is on top of this whole business process which means more audits, more claims, more wins. Something SellerTerminal should consider incorporating as well.

Experiment 4: Activation - Send nudge emails early​

After authentication you need to connect your store by signing in with Amazon Seller Central.

Naturally I don’t actually have one so I didn’t get to finish this step.

But it has been a few hours since I signed up and I have not received a single follow up email encouraging me to connect my store.

Perhaps this is intentional as they’re trying to not encourage tirekickers but you could also be missing out on legit sellers who maybe signed up on mobile but only have their login on desktop.

Ideally SellerTerminal should trigger an email sequence 30 minutes to one hour after sign up if a user hasn’t connected their store. Not having a timely recovery email in place is leaving money on the table.

Experiment 5: Retention - Do NOT use a generic sender name​

The two emails I got from SellerTerminal are from “support”.I have absolutely no idea who Support is supposed to be. I do know who sent all the other emails in my inbox.Don't be lazy, make sure that email recipients know WHO is sending your emails.


  1. Answer questions on Quora & Reddit
  2. Engage better and get more leads with reimbursement calculators
  3. Address potential objections in hero section of home page
  4. Send nudge emails early
  5. Don’t use a generic sender name

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