(Rant) I’m losing my mind at all the spam calls, emails, and texts about business funding. How many of y’all are experiencing this?


New member
Starting at 7am through the evening I start getting spam about it. Seriously I’ll get about 20 texts a day and at least half as many calls.
@lyolagrace93 I'm pre approved for up to $150k and that is based on blah blah blah. I called one of them back and asked them to take me off their list, huge mistake...they called more after that.
@lyolagrace93 Not long ago the US finalized the most recent anti telemarketing laws.

As a result, all the telemarketing scammers now know *exactly* where the loopholes are and how to circumvent the laws. That's why the amount of calls has increased in recent months.

Good job lawmakers.
@lyolagrace93 Hi @lyolagrace93; same here; I get 5-10 emails/calls/text a day. I spoke to one of the lenders who cold called to find out how he got my info. and what's going on. He said that anyone that applied or received an EDIL or PPP loan is public information. Lenders have email database services they use that scrape our contact and email info and lenders buy the mailing lists from them for prospecting. So unfortunately anyone that applied is fair game, their contact info was sold to possibly hundreds of lenders and will probably need to deal with this for the next year or so until it dies down. I just keep blocking and unsubscribing and hope that shows up in whatever algorithm is used and they back off. But it will take a while. That's why anyone that sells marketing email lists/contacts belongs in the 3rd circle of Dante's hell. They are merciless too. Buying prospect lists is lazy sales bottom line.
@613jono Yep, this is exactly what it is. I got both loans and my cell phone is the only number I have. I get a few texts a day that I never got before. First thought was that it's related to those loans.

Which is funny, since I already got the money. Don't need any more...
@chamomiletea Isn't that always the way @chamomiletea? Offers come flooding in when you don't need it. Where were they when we were maxing out our credit cards and working 18 hours days to keep the lights on? Just sayin...
@613jono THIS is my exact sentiment: Where were y'all at the beginning when $20k would've changed our life by relieving stress? When the credit cards were maxed and the wife and I were eating Ramen so that the employees could pay their bills? I take the calls when I'm bored and driving, as I value a good salesperson. I hang up on the losers who stumble at my first objection.... I've texted STOP so often that I once messaged it to my mom, hahaha. It's an automatic response.
@cfiscel If only that was true.

Unfortunately, even the best customers have questions and all other forms of communication suck ass. Web Chat? No Agents online. Email? Oh yeah, that might 24 hours to respond. Okay maybe text? That works if its a single person business, but what about bigger businesses?