RecoverPy 2.1.0: TUI File recovery tool


New member


Hey everyone!

I'm here to share something I've been working on for nearly three years now, RecoverPy, and its recent 2.1.0 version. It's a nifty tool that can really be a lifesaver when you've accidentally deleted or overwritten files. It works its magic by conducting a text-based search to find the lost data.

It sports a TUI built with Textual. I found it to be quite enjoyable to use and it seems many others agree, given its rise as one of the most (or the most?) popular TUI libraries in Python, despite still being in beta.

Since its creation, RecoverPy has gone through quite a transformation. It's integrated lots of feedback from its user community, improved many aspects to enhance the user experience, and even underwent almost a full rewrite to switch up the TUI library in its second version. Essentially, it uses the strength of grep and dd to sift through partition blocks, giving you a user-friendly way to sift through the results.

Interestingly, it found a niche not only among individuals looking to recover files but has also piqued interest in the hacking scene, which was a bit of a pleasant surprise for me. It seems the tool lends itself well to that sphere too.

I manage to chip away at it from time to time, given that my free moments are becoming a bit of a rarity these days. It still has room to grow, and if anyone here feels like contributing, I'm more than open to collaborations. Your PRs would certainly be welcome!

Feel free to give it a glance, and if you find it interesting or useful, a star on the repository would be greatly appreciated.

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