Reddit organic marketing- pure 7k with 160 hour of work


New member
From time to time I share my experience and my passion towards Reddit marketing but I haven't shared how it all started. This post is going to be my small TL;DR of how I did step by step. (REALLY broad terms and steps).

As 20 year old drop-out I was passionate about gaming. So before mechanical keyboards became a mainstream thing (there weren't mainstream 60% or tkl keyboards on the market unless Amazon etc.). I found a vintage keyboard enthuasiast - Chyrosan (YT channel).

Long story short I went in to rabbit hole and joined /r/mechanicalkeyboards.

Started checking, commenting, asking questions and slowly understand what are each keyboards, their types etc.

Found some recycling centers and checked their bins for several times. Then found my first keyboard. Then another one etc. Continued to build relationship with recycling staffers. Then I got a message where a guy recieved 40+ keyboards. Went to his place ASAP and from those 40+ keyboards I picked only 27 (smth). Other keyboards werent worth it (non mechanical).

Shared my haul with the community and updated them on my finding. Of course a ton of people saw my post, was (i guess in that time) viral and people were literally commenting to ask if i'm selling.

Cleaned them up, started using /r/mechanicalkeyboards to promote and /r/mechmarket to sell them. I could have done it through PM or ebay listings etc but it was and is a lot simpler to do in this instance.

Started to update people about the fun that I had with those keyboards (had a photoshoot), gave some good tips where and how to find them (communicated with the community), got my own brand ambassadors and of course gave back to the community because of obvious reasons.

I stopped focusing on /r/mechanicalkeyboards and started to use word to mouth communication because of my small fame (was known as "that IBM Model M guy" ( :D ) which helped me to tap in more exclusive niche where one keyboard even was worth 700$ (yes, I can show paypal proof and the guy who bought it from me :D ).

Then after 4 years my luck started to fade away- because of Covid I didn't have as much of time to go to recycling centers, got new job and because people stopped going to offices so company IT staffers stopped recycling because there were no need to free up space.

Always when talking with family, friends and business partners because they were shocked about what I had done because how small the niche is even now.

My awesome wife was telling me that I need to start to write a book about Reddit marketing... sooo then somewhere on 24th of December around 11PM I couldn't sleep, went to my pc and started typing out first chapters about my and other people experience (Glorious, Scott's cheap flights, EA, some painters and other businesses that have monetized Reddit)

In total I'm estimating I did about 160 hours of Reddit marketing which earn me total of 7$k which is about 45$ an hour. No, no paid advertising. Everything was organic- timed posting posts in specific times with specific messaging etc. Not bad for a guy who lives in a country where people earn on average 800 Eur. :D

At the moment I have a product which I could easily scale up AND is really freaking unique (will update you all how all that will turn out) but waiting for a supplier to recover from Covid. Prayers would be appreciated.

Have any questions- go for it. I'm an open book.