Remote working in the virtual office, what should i build next?


New member
Hi Everyone! I would like to open a discussion with the community and ask you: what's your wishlist for the future of nomad working? I have many ideas but limited resources :/ I hope kind souls here will point me in the right direction.

I'm building an inclusive Metaverse that can replace our presence in the real world. one App accessible on daily devices, using the same tools for work, education, recruitment, shopping, etc. I'm focusing on the coworking experience first, building the collaboration tools needed to be faster and more efficient. No VR, crypto, or fancy roadmap yet. BUT a ~stable Beta for Android and PC. and a robust/scalable core platform on top of Unity.

early website:

I'm a lifelong gamer, software, and indie developer. I've been making Nomadz for the last 2 years (part-time), driven by my frustration with current tools (mail, chat, zoom, Jira) decades behind the gaming world. and the fact that I barely spoke to 1% of my colleagues in every (big) tech company I worked with (location, hierarchy, timezones...).

do you see potential? any suggestions on where we should focus, and what you want to see?

choose one or two of each category (eg: 1, 4, E) :

1- Gamified work experience with quests/stats/NPCs

2- decentralized companies on the Blockchain with Crypto economy (web3)

3- AI motion and face capture transcribed to the Avatar + geolocation

4- SDK to build your own spaces and use/sell them

4- Private homespace with social/stream/gaming apps (and friends)

5- Open world with many companies in a city/campus

A-PC App/game

B-PC Browsers

C-Mobile and tablets

D-regular VR (Quest, Steam)

E-cheap VR (Smartphone headset)

F-Consoles and smart TV

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