Repodex Beta - Automatically find and fix bugs - Looking for feedback!


New member
Hey everyone, I'd like to share a project I've been working on and gather feedback. (click sign-up in the top right, its free and has 1-click github signup)

I would love for folks to try it out and run it against their own side projects and provide any feedback you can. It can automatically find errors in your code and fix them (with your approval via pull request). This free beta license allows users to select up to 5 files.

Future release features will include:
  • Slack integration (allowing you to ask a bot questions like "Where does X take place? How does Y work in our system? Can you solve this stacktrace? Please fix Z so that it does ABC) - (I think this one will be particularly useful for non-technical members on the team!)
  • Comprehensive PR reviews.
  • Jira ticket solver
This is my first release to the public so please be kind :). I'm particularly looking for insights like:
  • Were the errors it found actually errors?
  • Did the solutions it came up with solve the error?
  • Does something from a UX perspective seem unintuitive?
Note that it currently only supports these languages as of 8/24, but I'm adding support daily

(Python, javascript, bash, java, css, html).