Request for Startups


New member
What are good sources for startup ideas that come directly from people or companies requesting them? Rather than trying to brainstorm ideas, wouldn't it be better to pick up ideas that are known problems?

I know that Y Combinator has started putting out "Request for Startups" based on their knowledge of existing business problems:

There's also this site needgap (they also have a subreddit), but I don't think they really took off that much:

Any other ideas for good ways to source real problems?
@skizzmoore The needgap site looks interesting...I'll have to check that out. There is no silver bullet for this.

Try immersing yourself in online communities relevant to your interests or industry. Look for forums, subreddits, or social media groups where people are discussing their pain points and challenges. Often, people will openly share problems they're facing, which could spark a great startup idea. You can also try attending industry events or conferences, where you can network and learn about emerging trends and unmet needs.

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