Requesting feedback for


New member
I am looking for feedback and advice on It is a productivity tool that we primarily target to developers and managers. Despite a successful launch on producthunt, we quickly lost a lot of our user base in 4 weeks.

We also reached out to many customers who churned where they shared the issues and they have been worked on already.

I am now looking for further feedback from the community on what would still be a deal breaker for a new user so we can make improvements and launch the next version.

P.S. You do not have to sign up to use the tool.
@qwertyuiop87 The feedback was mostly on the usability of the application. We made changes to address that:

1, Links added in the tasks were not clickable.

2, Managing workspaces was a hassle with too many instructions and not a good UI, we have streamlined it to make it more user friendly.

3, There was no onboarding process initially so users did no know they can use keyboard for adding new tasks. Now we have also added onboarding flow on first launch.

4, Ability to rename sections. User can now rename but needs to be a premium user.
@malachy Since the platform can be used without signup, unfortunately we do not have emails to reach out to ~80% of churned users.

On hindsight it does feel like a missed opportunity. Do you recommend we mandate signing up to avoid this in future? But that would mean potentially loosing out on users currently using without signup and willing to onboard in the near future.
@chloejm How do you monetize without signup? Ads? Ultimately, if it's done so that in the future you can charge people, but you give them a subpar product in the meantime, that's pretty counterproductive
@malachy Thanks @malachy, we are going to nerf the free version and have it lucrative to sign up! We have no monetization for non signed up user, neither from ads. Currently we are implementing analytics to check for number and activity of non-signed users and based on that make this change in next 3-4 days where user can add only 3 tasks without signing up. What do you think?
@chloejm Good on you for already following up with churned customers!

To me it's a bit jarring to get right into the product with no explanation or account or anything. I'd prefer to land on a landing page and then click through to try it once I understand what it is and its benefits. I think the types of products that benefit from jumping straight into the experience tends to be social products like Reddit, Product Hunt, etc. but in this case, I'd go for a landing page first.

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