Resources for Founders at Every Stage


New member

For the past 2 years I've been building startups and for my most recent startup I was able to reach 50k users in under 6 months. Throughout my journey, I've been consuming startup content like a fiend. These are the resources that helped me get to where I am today.

1. Before Startup​

General Startup:
Talking To Users:
Startup Ideas:

2. Initial Enthusiasm​

Building MVP:
Co-founder / Relationships:
Getting Customers / Launching:

3. Reality Sets In​

4. Experimenting & Pivoting​

Time Management / Productivity:

5. Starts Working​

Raising Capital:

6. Product Market Fit & Scaling​

Other Resources​

Also, let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. Would be happy to answer them!

EDIT: I also created a discord community to help developers build startups. If you’re a developer and you want access to a community of likeminded individuals, would be happy to have you join:
@jiyubyodo Yeah, thank you for the work. Really appreciated.

Can I suggest “the lean startup playbook” by Dan Olsen. it turns the lean startup into practical actions and apply it. I see the lean start-up mores like a “product philosophy book” and lean startup playbook as “how to apply it book”

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