RiteTag Pro: instant hashtags for any photo or text post, for Instagram, Twitter and beyond


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https://ritetag.com - you can do a free trial with no credit card pre-auth; it just expires if you do not proactively decide to upgrade so, a warm welcome to have at it.
  • What is RiteTag Pro? It is an instant hashtag solution for photos and for text, delivered by mobile app and browser extension (one RiteTag Pro subscription includes full site features, as well as the mobile app and extension). While there is no end to the blog posts that suggest doing hashtag research or, "here are your hashtags for (topic)," we know that the hashtags for your photo, your text post, etc. - they change, the ones getting actual engagement, that is. So, with RiteTag Pro, you get the apps you need and then get the solution right in your workflow. RiteTag Pro integrates with Twitter, Hootsuite, Buffer, Sproutsocial, Hubspot, Facebook, Instagram - and every tool used for social media management. Skip the 2~10 minutes of hashtag research and go with the 1.8 second solution.
  • The market: organizations and people who need to get something back from social. Could be a sale, a subscriber, or awareness, but in any case, the RiteTag Pro customer recognizes their need to get something back from social media.
  • Compare https://ritetag.com with these hashtag generator tools (though none provide hashtags for both images and text, or offer a one-price solution for both mobile and desktops:
  • We are eight years in continuous development, 100% self-funded and cashflow positive. Zero interest in funding.
  • How we reach the market: We use the combination of our social media post generation (with ads baked into URLs - rite.ly) to make free, organic social media our main source of top-of-funnel marketing. From RiteTag, you'll see links to our other products. Or use https://ritekit.com
  • Why us? Well, as the founder, an American living in Osaka, Japan, I always felt like a guy sitting on a rock in the middle of the ocean. I could not get the time of day from anyone in a "startup hub city," so I focused on conceiving tools to automate the generation of social posts (e.g. Tweets, Pinterest Pins, LinkedIn updates. etc.), recurring post scheduling and so on. "Hear me," this is what I wanted to make happen. I'm here, just as enthralled with the ever-growing possibilities of the emerging web, and I want to be a part of it. I listened and sometimes got a faint listen, through social. As so, I looked at the problems with affordable social - organic social media - and while every social network told us, pay to play (social ads), I set out to build really cheap software products for those who will do the work, earn their audience, but want to make the most out of their time.
I use all four of our SaaS products myself, and as for the leadership aspect, am learning that as I go.

Still together with my two co-founders eight years in, and, for a bootstrapped, 100% self-funded project, I would submit that we have tenacity and commitment to the project.