Roast Ahromm, our AI-powered B2B SaaS idea!

Hellow everyone! I am using the structure suggested in the top post for our product. So here you are:
  1. The Product: Ahromm is a SaaS B2B platform that streamlines customer data analysis for early-stage startups and SMBs. It offers an integrated toolbox for tracking user behavior, optimizing marketing strategies, and enhancing product performance. (Combining two products: Product analysis tools + Marketing Automation tools as both use customers' big data.)
  2. The Market: The data analysis market is valued at $31 billion in 2021 and projected to grow significantly. The competition includes companies like Posthog and Mixpanel + Hubspot and Zapier (even though neither has the combination we are making). Dynamics include rising demand for affordable and user-friendly solutions in data analysis.
  3. Product Analysis/Comparison: Ahromm stands out with its focus on affordability, simplicity, and tailored features for startups and SMBs. It addresses common pain points like expensive services and complex implementation, offering a unique value proposition.
  4. Stage and Funding: Ahromm is in the early stages and is seeking investment to scale operations, expand the team, and accelerate market penetration.
  5. Customer Conversion Strategy: Ahromm plans to find customers through targeted marketing on platforms like ProductHunt and LinkedIn, leveraging user testimonials and case studies [as we are still poor]. Conversion strategies include offering free trials and personalized demos to showcase the platform's value. plus consultancy support for smoother onboarding.
  6. Why You?: As the founders, Me + Ramin bring 9+13 years of experience in teamwork, AI programming, and PR + full-stack development and Product Management, a dedicated team with a passion for solving real-world problems and of course, supporting smaller businesses. Ahromm's innovative approach and our commitment to customer success set us apart in the market, making us the ideal choice for driving forward in this venture.
What do you think guys?

Also, you can message me in chats if you have a small business, Ideas for Ahromm, or anything you like to share
@awomannameddamaris I have an early-stage startup project and other SMBs project in the past. One of the focus of early stage boostrapping business is minimizing cost. At least for my case, you are not competing with hubspot or posthog, you are competing with a free googlesheet and google analytics.

What value can you provide that a simple database csv export to a free googlesheet can't for an early stage startup?
@ofgodoffspring great question! First of all, we do funnels and data visualization with the minimum overlap with GA (as we also assume smaller businesses already use free products like GA). But also we have made it easy to use, code-free, and very quick to implement. we are also a marketing automation tool. we use the big data of the customers and our users (businesses we provide service for) can define journies that cause better dynamics with their customers: from sending emails and push notifications, to a new in-site message that can contain anything (a link, a discount code or a nice message).

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