Roast: AI-generated UI Components: Good Idea or Not?


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The Product:

GEES is an all-in-one AI design platform that is shaping a future where you can brainstorm, design, hand-off in one file — without changing any other tools. And with AI assistance integrated into each design mode, GEES empowers users to enhance their design workflows effectively.

Here's the link to our website:

Check our YouTube introduction video here:

The Market:

The UI/UX design market is thriving, with a growing demand for tools that streamline the design process and enhance productivity.

Competition Analysis:

While there are other design tools available, few integrate AI capabilities for generating UI components. We aim to fill this gap by offering a unique solution tailored to the needs of designers.

Stage & Financials:

Currently, we're in the beta stage, gathering feedback to improve our product. Financially, we've secured initial funding to support development efforts.

Customer Conversion Strategy:

Our strategy involves targeting designers and design teams through online marketing, social media engagement, and partnerships with design communities. We'll offer freemium to incentivize adoption.

Why Me?

As a UI/UX designer with experience in the field, I understand the pain points and challenges designers face. My team and I are passionate about creating tools that address these needs and empower designers to do their best work.
@rebecca25 My initial thoughts are it looks like figma with ai. Ai will inevitably come to figma so do i really want to learn a new tool that may be deprecated within a month or two
@lighthouse4031 Thanks for comments! Our tool aims to integrate AI across various design scenarios, providing a tailored and unique experience for UI design, brainstorming, team discussions, and more.

As we're still in the beta version, we'll continue to improve our tool. Thank you for your feedback, and we'll strive to deliver even more distinctive features.
@rebecca25 Wasn't able to figure out how use the AI part, though I am developer, not designer so maybe I am just not used to tools like this.

My expectation was that I write it - "Create a product card with title, description and product photo" -> it will create it and then I will be able to edit it.
@rebecca25 Oh! I love the idea. I am not 100% sure but I guess I have seen something a little bit similar before. a small business but I can check for you. I am sure you've done your market analysis well.

best of luck!!

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