Roast: Magni – Streamline your B2B prospect analysis with instant AI ICP scoring


New member

No one wants to reach out to people who are not suitable to buy your product. That's why B2B sales teams spend way too many hours handpicking companies or warming up the same unsuitable companies with advertising or email activities.


AI pre-qualifies and grades all prospects on your sales_prospects_2024_02.csv -file or CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot) leads. You just need to create a few ICP profiles, and our AI technology reviews and grades all prospects based on the ICP preferences. Download the A-tier, B-tier or C-tier prospects in nicely organized files.


Designed for B2B Outbound Sales Teams or Sales Operations teams seeking to optimize their prospecting efforts.


Currently in closed beta. We are conducting a feedback loop and have a waiting list for interested parties. We are bootstrapping currently, but are open to VC's / Angel investors that align perfectly with our vision.


Free (restricted use for smaller use cases) + 89€/month for most common use cases + Enterprise tiers.

Waiting list URL and some screenshots:

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