Roast my app: an AI-powered event planning app makes planning hangout a breeze


New member
I built a free app (website) that allows users to plan an event (for example, go to restaurant A for dinner, spot B to view the sunset, and get dessert at a gelato shop C) and share it across your friends.

  • Presents curated event ideas that match your preference and taste.
  • Ability to look up categories of businesses (e.g. Mexican restaurants) and compare their ratings, reviews, distance, etc.
  • Ability to become friends with other users on the app and invite them to an event you've created.
  • Centralized view of event details with date, time and places all in one screen.
  • Ability to spin a wheel to decide on a restaurant when opinions are split.
Our edge/uniqueness:
  • Use of AI to suggest relevant/trending places (including live events such as farmers market, small jazz concert downtown, and sports events).
  • Saves time spent on looking up multiple places on platforms like Google Maps and Yelp and cross referencing their locations to find the distance between them.
  • Enabling a much smoother group planning due to a centralized location where all necessary information (such as date, where/when to meet up, where to go, etc) are displayed, details which often get buried in group chats.
  • Everyone gets a say on where to go thanks to the suggestion/voting scheme, whereas people might otherwise not express their preferences.
I appreciate all genuine and brutal feedback!
@id1593 5/10, I was super excited in the beginning but then...

Onboarding screens are nice. I was ready to give you some info about me, but the more I enter the more you want. At some point, I was ready to close an app on the "sign up" screen but I gave you one more chance, and then the "your mobile phone" screen appeared. I had no time to build enough trust in your company. That's where I fell off.

It's easier to organize my friends for a party than organize them to install this app and fill in all the required fields.

I like:

- design

- AppStore page

- idea

I don't like:

- user flow
@fitz Thank you so much for your honest feedback! While I thought these information were necessary to suggest appropriate activities to users (e.g. don’t tell a 16 year old to go to a bar), I understand that the signup process is too tedious for most prospective users. Would it be too much to ask for feedback on the user flow in the app? I could offer you a username/pwd for our test accounts so you don’t need to give your phone number away. Please DM me if you’re interested!

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