Roast my App: Stash Gives Users the Tools Needed to Gain Financial Freedom


New member
Tired of being scared to look at your bank account balance when you need money from the ATM? Stash is an app that will help you stay in control of your finances like never before! Stash is designed to give users every tool they need to improve their finances. With it being so easy to use, you will gain the insight required to improve your financial fitness.

Stash lets you:
  • Create simple budgets to help keep track of where your money goes
  • Calculate, keep track of, and grow your net-worth
  • Link your bank account using Stash Plus to provide one central location to see your financial data
  • Keep track of, and lower your debt using our debt calculator
  • Create bill reminders so you never forget to pay a bill again!
  • Become more conscious of your spending habits
  • Constant notifications on your current budget and account total to always be informed
Stash is available now at the iTunes Store and is free to use. However, Stash Plus subscriptions are billed at a monthly rate of $9.99. You can read

more about it on our website

Here is a video of Stash in action:

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