Roast my Full-Stack JavaScript course


New member
Hey there! I'm building a Full-Stack JavaScript course and I'm ready for the roast.TLDR:

Bullet points:
  • The product:
    • Full-Stack JavaScript course that teaches you to code from scratch
  • Users: Beginners that are either
    • looking for the first job in software development
    • want to learn programming to build their own startup
  • The market:
    • Theory: everyone should learn to code (billions of people)
    • Reality: 1.5 million junior devs join the market every year from 2015
  • Product analysis vs competition:
    • Video courses - not interactive, hard to learn from scratch
    • Books - almost the same as videos
    • Bootcamps - expensive + long feedback loop
    • Codecademy, FCC - good, but it'd be much better if the coding was done in the real IDE and not in the browser or a mobile app
  • USP:
    • Learn to code at your own pace in the real development environment (Visual Studio Code Extension) from the first task
    • Solve coding problems yourself (and not by blindly following step-by-step videos)
    • Automatically (and instantly) verify your solution and get hints if you're stuck
  • What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?
    • Public beta
    • Self-funded
    • Not looking for investment
  • Customer acquisition:
  • Conversion strategy:
    • Free to start (about 50 coding tasks and 15 lectures are free) and paid sub to continue. Very few people (~5% of sign-ups) solve all the free tasks and it's something that I should improve.
  • Why me?
    • Everyone who wants to learn to code will eventually do it. Sooner or later.
    • The main problem is keeping the learners motivated and engaged.
    • The switch from the browser sandbox to the IDE and real coding tasks is where a ton of people fail.
    • I solved these problems by developing a VSCode extension that allows you to get your coding task, write a solution and submit it for automatic verification. If it fails, you'll get immediate feedback about what's wrong and can fix the issue. All coding tasks are backed by the lectures that you can read in the browser.

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