Roast my idea: Online Course


New member
Hey there,

I’m currently working on a course that teaches you how to best leverage AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot X to increase your productivity and your value as a developer.

I’ve been looking to learn those skills for some time because I think developers using those tools will eventually replace those who don’t. These skills and their benefits compound, so it has huge advantages being early and being good at them.

Here are the details 👇


An online course for web developers that teaches you how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot X to become a 10-100x more efficient, effective, and productive developer.

The Problem​

In the recent months, AI tools like ChatGPT took off. This has huge implications for every type of digital work – and especially for software development.

A few years ago software engineering seemed like a very safe career choice. But with the new developments, many people feel somewhat threatened (myself included). Software engineering could soon be automated, thus taking our jobs and economical security, leaving us behind.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Someone posted on Twitter recently: “AI will not replace you. A person using AI will.” (source)

You can be that person.

Instead of continuing to develop software the old way – the way you currently do – you can leverage AI tools to save a lot of time by becoming more efficient, effective, and productive. And therefore more valuable to employers and clients.

But getting started and up to date with current technologies and best practices is cumbersome and takes a lot of time.

That’s why I am creating this course to learn using AI tools TODAY, and stay ahead of the curve.


  • Turbocharge your productivity as a developer
  • Increase your earning potential by becoming a more valuable developer
  • Enhance your coding skills and ability to solve complex problems
  • Improve the quality of your code and reduce the risk of errors and bugs in your code
  • Automate repetitive tasks and focus on higher-level thinking and problem-solving


Basic – $99
  • Stream course online
  • Unlimited Updates + Never Expires
  • Access to 10 foundation modules
Pro – $249
  • Everything in "Basic", plus
  • Access to 10 foundation modules PLUS 4 special modules including
  • Prompt engineering cheatsheet
Business – $499
  • Everything in "Pro", plus
  • DRM-free download
  • For teams of up to 3 people


The initial version of the course targets web developers in general. I know that this is a huge market. But I currently don't have concrete ideas how to make this more niche.


There aren't any real competitors so far. There are two small courses on Udemy that teach something similar (ChatGPT and Copilot for programming) and a few short YouTube tutorials. No other relevant search results or ads.

How to reach first customers​

  • Build email list before launch by offering free resources (like cheatsheet, ebook, ..?)
  • Share in online development communities
  • In-person networking
  • Google+Facebook Ads

About Me​

Experienced web developer from Berlin who loves learning and exploring new tools and technologies. I'm creating this course mostly for myself to become deeply familiar with the subject of using AI to become a more productive engineer. Skilled in software engineering, teaching others, and audio/video editing. This would be the first course I publish.

So that's the general idea. What are your thoughts? In which ways could it fail? What are the weak points here?

Thanks a lot everyone 😊
@maylanhtrieuan1 Neither really needs to be taught - programmers, by their nature, will figure out ChatGPT and Copilot X within a few minutes.

It's not hard to describe what you need to chatgpt, and Copilot X will have its own tutorials. And it's not like we needed a tutorial on how to use Copilot as it currently stands.

Add into the mix that course creation is heavily saturated and competitive, I'd say don't bother. What you're offering will be done for free by dozens of people.