Roast my idea Please!

Pain points:

I built two startups before. I personally and strongly feel the pain point that getting ready to test a new product takes time, even if you’re super focused and know how to do it time and capital efficiently. In addition, there are way too many generative AI tools in the market (to speed up the process) and most people don't know which one is suitable for them.


We are developing a platform that streamlines the process of launching new products and validating business ideas for startups, product innovation teams, and corporate clients. The platform integrates various Generative AI tools to automate the creation of essential assets, such as landing pages, pitch decks, product wireframes, and marketing materials. Our approach involves chaining together best-in-class AI tools (note: these tools were built by other companies; we chain them together) using our proprietary code, creating a user-friendly experience that requires minimal input from the client.

As these tools are basically asking for the same information, users simply need to answer a set of 5-10 questions about their product or business idea, target audience, and key features. Our system then generates a comprehensive package of assets, including: a. Landing pages, b. Pitch decks c. Product wireframes d. SEO-optimized content e. Company/product videos.

In addition, the platform includes built-in features such as authentication, database integration, and connectivity with popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Discord.

Target audience:
  1. Product innovation teams within larger organizations seeking to test new concepts and gather market feedback rapidly.
  2. Startups looking to validate their ideas and bring their products to market quickly.
  3. Corporate clients aiming to streamline their innovation processes and leverage AI-powered tools for increased efficiency and effectiveness.
Questions I have:
  1. Do you think it is a painful problem and it offers good value proposition?
  2. Early-stage entrepreneurs are a bad target audience (not willing or able to pay). Should I forget completely about early-stage startups?
  3. Around business model, one-off payment is usually not a good business model, especially at ticket sizes like $39-199. Any suggestions on building a recurring revenue model?
  4. I feel like we don't have a narrow enough focus. Any suggestions on starting in a niche market?
  5. It also feel likes this service should be provided as a side business rather than a core business. Any thoughts on that?
All comments will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much!
@hard_to_get_by_right_now Who decides what's "best-in-class"? And, for whom?

As in, something that's "best-in-class" for a law student writing a thesis, wouldn't be a "best-in-class" for a seasoned lawyer practicing in court!

How is your solution any different than the dozens of other automation platforms which have been doing exactly the same (connecting to APIs of various other tools and businesses) in the automation space?
@hard_to_get_by_right_now I think the best approach is the target audience that you have drilled. Try setting up a 1:1 interaction with these folks. This will help in fine tuning your business model. Survey forms don’t capture sentiments, unfortunately user sentiments are underrated. Best approach is to follow user interviews as stated in The Mom Test Book.
If you need any help in terms of fine tuning the approach or just random brainstorming feel free to reach out. Happy to help founders. Pasting my LinkedIn profile -
Also if you wanna hop on call my calendar is free most of the times -
Have a great Sunday. Cheers!
@hard_to_get_by_right_now Personally, I would rather focus on a recurring problem/pain point to solve.

Additionally, the teams you want to focus on may rather look for specialist solutions for the various items rather than an all-in-one solution.